Ghid antiplictiseala pe timp de ploaie by me.

Daca si acolo unde esti tu acum,ploua,ca si aici,pe Marte,iata cateva idei:
  • Daca vrei sa razi:Alice e raspunsul
Tomata cu scufita,......
  • Daca nu vrei sa citesti bloguri uita-te la o comedie.Si nu oricare.Iti recomand,daca nu le-ai vazut inca:American Pie,Scary Movie,Alvin and the Chipmunks....etc.
  • Asculta muzica....oriunde,oricand.
  • Citeste o carte cu capul in jos.
Asculta Magic sau Europa Fm. [Kiss Fm nu ajuta la nimic,baga aceleasi melodii de n ori)
Am idei trebui sa scriu o carte.:))

Sa spargem tot

Oslo, Norway -

The Romanian participants this year, Paula Seling & Ovi, rehearsed their song Playing With Fire for the first time in Oslo's Telenor Arena on this sunny Wednesday. The infectious song got the media and fans present, tapping their feet to it and some experts even see Romania's song as one of the candidates for victory this year!

The Romanian delegation had already hinted to that Paula Seling & Ovi's performance would be spectacular and on stage today, the twosome didn't disappoint the media and fans present, as they delivered several convincing performances of their entry Playing With Fire.

Paula and Ovi commence their song sitting on both sides of a shine-through double piano which has been enhanced by white-glimmering LEDs. As the song goes on, both singers leave their piano positions though and move to the front part of the stage. The singers are helped by four female backing singers who have been placed on the left part of the stage.

The lights used in the Romanian performance change from blue to orange with the words "Girl" and "Boy"" being displayed on the backdrop. All singers on stage were clad in black with Paula wearing a sexy black catsuit. According to the Romanian team, it's not yet decided if these will be the final costumes for the Semi-Final, but it would be one of the options. Also, at the last take, the Romanians added lots of fire at the back part of the scene and also on the piano itself which worked very well with the title of their song Playing With Fire.[eurovision(dot)tv]

gud lac:))

S-a putut.:) castigat Paula si Ovi......yeeeeeeee'''

Se Poate?!

Ati ascultat melodia cu care vor intra in concursul Eurovision Paula Seling si Ovi-Playing with Fire?UUUUU...E o super melodie si sper ca vor reprezenta Romania anul acesta,si nu se va intampla ca si cu Andra & Simplu-Dracula,my Love.Pentru cei ce nu stiu au fost descalificati.Asa ca...votati Paula Seling si Ovi.Bafta.

Ghost story

Totul era linistit vineri dimineata,pana noi,cei din 6C,am vazut pe tabla ceva sinistru....Pe tabla erau desenate 21 de pietre de alea de mormant,pe care eram trecuti toti,anul de deces 2010( mine nu putea sa puna 2012?) faza a doua,.Cu toate ca la noi in scoala sunt camere de supraveghere,doamna diriginta nu vrea sa ne spuna cine a facut ''istetimea '' asta,si cred ca bine cat de nervosi erau unii din clasa..,dar eu cred ca erau nervosi ca locul lor era la mijlocul tablei,.Mormantul meu,:)) era la margine:)).Si daca doamna diriginta nu vrea sa ne spuna,vom afla singuri.
Are cineva vro sugestie de gasire a faptasului??

D&G (winter 2011)

Cum sa nu-ti placa?!

wazzup?? gasit o imagine,si mi se pare super tare,numai ca nu gasesc idei prin mintea mea ''ruginita'' care sa fie pe aceeasi lungime de unda cu de care am nevoie ar arata cam asa:Romania n-ar fi un norishor dragut,ar fi.....altceva
Si avand in vedere ca eu sunt generos va mai dau o poza cu un nor....Mr.Packman